Method Name:
Method Signature:
Method Overview:
- The timetuple() method returns a named tuple of type time.struct_time.
- Since a datetime instance has both date related attributes and time related attributes all the below attributes of the returned object time.struct_time will be set. The attributes are,
- tm_year
- tm_mon
- tm_mday
- tm_hour
- tm_min
- tm_sec
- tm_wday
- tm_yday
- tm_isdst
- The tm_isdst is set based on the tzinfo attribute of the datetime.
If the tzinfo has the daylight saving set tm_isdst will be set accordingly as 0 or 1. Else, -1 will be set for tm_isdst.
- Note that attributes of the returned structure can be accessed like the elements of a tuple or like attributes of an object.
#import the datetime module import datetime
dateToday =
#Get the attributes of the datetime instance as a tuple attributesInTuple = dateToday.timetuple()
# print the tuple elements using a for loop for attribute in attributesInTuple: print(attribute)
2017 2 15 14 49 26 2 46 -1 |