Thread Local Storage in Python


  • When a variable is created in thread local storage every thread will have its own copy which it can update. 
  • Thread local storage is not automatic variables. 
  • They are valid for the lifetime of the thread.
  • They need not be locked for synchronization unless shared among threads.
  • In Python, the class threading.local incorporates the concept of Thread local storage.
  • A thread local variable can be added by instantiating a threading.local object and adding attributes to it. Each attribute added to the threading.local object is a thread local variable.


# Example Python program that uses thread local storage
# to calculate rolling sums in different threads 
# and adding them to a global sum
import threading
import time

# Final sum
g_sum = 0

# Calculates rolling sum and update the global sum
def counterThread(numRange, tLock, tIndex):
    # Create thread local storage
    tls = threading.local()
    # Add attribute to the thread local storage
    # Per thread Sum
    tls.tSum = 0
    for i in range(0, numRange):
        # No locking needed
        tls.tSum += i
    # Posting final sum to the global    
    global g_sum
    g_sum += tls.tSum    

# Create locks
tLock = threading.Lock()

# Create threads that compute individual rolling sums
t1 = threading.Thread(target = counterThread(5, tLock, 1))
t2 = threading.Thread(target = counterThread(2, tLock, 2))
t3 = threading.Thread(target = counterThread(7, tLock, 3))


print("Final sum after adding up numbers from each thread:%d"%g_sum)


Final sum after adding up numbers from each thread:32


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