# Example Python program that creates the points of a sine wave and path = "sinewave.txt" # Generate X values of the sine wave # Generate amplitude of the sine wave # Make a two-dimensional ndarray - time vs sine(time) print(sineWaveArray) # Write ndarray into the file in floating point format. |
[[ 0. 0. ] [ 0.1 0.09983342] [ 0.2 0.19866933] [ 0.3 0.29552021] [ 0.4 0.38941834] [ 0.5 0.47942554] [ 0.6 0.56464247] [ 0.7 0.64421769] [ 0.8 0.71735609] [ 0.9 0.78332691] [ 1. 0.84147098] [ 1.1 0.89120736] [ 1.2 0.93203909] [ 1.3 0.96355819] [ 1.4 0.98544973] [ 1.5 0.99749499] [ 1.6 0.9995736 ] [ 1.7 0.99166481] [ 1.8 0.97384763] [ 1.9 0.94630009] [ 2. 0.90929743] [ 2.1 0.86320937] [ 2.2 0.8084964 ] [ 2.3 0.74570521] [ 2.4 0.67546318] [ 2.5 0.59847214] [ 2.6 0.51550137] [ 2.7 0.42737988] [ 2.8 0.33498815] [ 2.9 0.23924933] [ 3. 0.14112001] [ 3.1 0.04158066] [ 3.2 -0.05837414] [ 3.3 -0.15774569] [ 3.4 -0.2555411 ] [ 3.5 -0.35078323] [ 3.6 -0.44252044] [ 3.7 -0.52983614] [ 3.8 -0.61185789] [ 3.9 -0.68776616] [ 4. -0.7568025 ] [ 4.1 -0.81827711] [ 4.2 -0.87157577] [ 4.3 -0.91616594] [ 4.4 -0.95160207] [ 4.5 -0.97753012] [ 4.6 -0.993691 ] [ 4.7 -0.99992326] [ 4.8 -0.99616461] [ 4.9 -0.98245261] [ 5. -0.95892427] [ 5.1 -0.92581468] [ 5.2 -0.88345466] [ 5.3 -0.83226744] [ 5.4 -0.77276449] [ 5.5 -0.70554033] [ 5.6 -0.63126664] [ 5.7 -0.55068554] [ 5.8 -0.46460218] [ 5.9 -0.37387666] [ 6. -0.2794155 ] [ 6.1 -0.1821625 ] [ 6.2 -0.0830894 ] [ 6.3 0.0168139 ] [ 6.4 0.1165492 ] [ 6.5 0.21511999] [ 6.6 0.31154136] [ 6.7 0.40484992] [ 6.8 0.49411335] [ 6.9 0.57843976] [ 7. 0.6569866 ] [ 7.1 0.72896904] [ 7.2 0.79366786] [ 7.3 0.85043662] [ 7.4 0.8987081 ] [ 7.5 0.93799998] [ 7.6 0.96791967] [ 7.7 0.98816823] [ 7.8 0.99854335] [ 7.9 0.99894134] [ 8. 0.98935825] [ 8.1 0.96988981] [ 8.2 0.94073056] [ 8.3 0.90217183] [ 8.4 0.85459891] [ 8.5 0.79848711] [ 8.6 0.7343971 ] [ 8.7 0.66296923] [ 8.8 0.58491719] [ 8.9 0.50102086] [ 9. 0.41211849] [ 9.1 0.31909836] [ 9.2 0.22288991] [ 9.3 0.12445442] [ 9.4 0.02477543] [ 9.5 -0.07515112] [ 9.6 -0.17432678] [ 9.7 -0.27176063] [ 9.8 -0.36647913] [ 9.9 -0.45753589]] (100, 2) 2d array saved to:sinewave.txt |