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Serialize And Deserialize streams of data using Python and MessagePack


  • MessagePack offers serializing messages using a compact binary form.When used on similar usecases this gives clear advantage over text bases message formats like JSON.
  • Python data can be serialized using message pack as individual variables or as a stream of data.
  • This article show how to serialize and deserialize a stream of data using Python and MessagePack.

Serializing multiple Python objects using streams:

  • Data serialized using msgpack.Packer is collected in a bytes stream using Python io.BytesIO.
  • The data is deserialized using msgpack.Unpacker iteratively as a stream and printed on the console.


# This is a Python example for serialising data using Python BytesIO stream and MessagePack

import msgpack

from io import BytesIO


# A collection of strings need to be serialized

stringTokens    = ["Beethovan","Mozart","Mahler","Brahms"]

content         = BytesIO()


# Use packer to serialize or just msgpack.packb()

packer          = msgpack.Packer()

for token in stringTokens:

    serialized = packer.pack(token)

    print("Serialized: {}".format(serialized))



# Create a new stream

# in case when deserializing through a separate program

# as below

# content1 = BytesIO(content.getvalue())

# or

# just move to the beginning of the stream


# Start unpacking using Unpacker

# Unpacker is kind of real stream....compared to packer

unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(content, raw=False)

for unpacked in unpacker:

    print("Deserialized: {}".format(unpacked))




Serialized: b'\xa9Beethovan'

Serialized: b'\xa6Mozart'

Serialized: b'\xa6Mahler'

Serialized: b'\xa6Brahms'

Deserialized: Beethovan

Deserialized: Mozart

Deserialized: Mahler

Deserialized: Brahms


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