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Overview of socketserver.threadingudpserver with examples


  • Python’s ThreadingUDPServer enables creating multi-threaded UDP based network servers at ease.


  • ThreadingUDPServer forms the base class of all UDP based multithreaded servers using the Python’s socketserver framework.


  • ThreadingUDPServer is derived from the class ThreadingMixIn.


  • Developers can choose to use an instance of ThreadingUDPServer if no customization of threading is needed beyond the implementation provided by the ThreadingMixIn.


  • ThreadingUDPServer can further be sub-classed based on the requirements like thread pooling and other intricacies that may required for an UDP server.


Creation of a Multi-threaded UDP Server:

  • A request handler instance needs to be created. In case of an UDP based network server the socketserver provided class DatagramRequestHandler needs to be sub-classed and the handle() method to be overridden.


  • An instance of ThreadingUDPServer to be created by providing the below parameters:
    • A tuple with IP address of the server and the port number at which the server will be listening
    • Name of the request handler class – In this case the name of the sub-class derived from DatagramRequestHandler.


  • Once an instance of the ThreadingUDPServer is created, the method to be called to make the server listen continuously for the incoming requests.

Example - Multi-threaded UDP Server using ThreadingUDPServer:

# Sample UDP Server - Multi threaded


# Import the necessary python modules

import socketserver

import threading


# Create a tuple with IP Address and Port Number

ServerAddress = ("", 5050)


# Subclass the DatagramRequestHandler

class MyUDPRequestHandler(socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler):


    # Override the handle() method

    def handle(self):

        # Receive and print the datagram received from client

        print("Recieved one request from {}".format(self.client_address[0]))

        datagram = self.rfile.readline().strip()


        print("Datagram Recieved from client is:".format(datagram))



        # Print the name of the thread

        print("Thread Name:{}".format(threading.current_thread().name))


        # Send a message to the client

        self.wfile.write("Message from Server! Hello Client".encode())


# Create a Server Instance

UDPServerObject = socketserver.ThreadingUDPServer(ServerAddress, MyUDPRequestHandler)


# Make the server wait forever serving connections



Example - Multi-threaded UDP Client using socket class:

#Sample UDP Client - Multi threaded


#import the socket module

import socket


#import the threading module

import threading


# Define the message to the server

msgFromClient       = "Hello UDP Server"

bytesToSend         = str.encode(msgFromClient)


# Buffer size for receiving the datagrams from server

bufferSize          = 1024


# Server IP address and Port number

serverAddressPort   = ("", 5050)


# Connect2Server forms the thread - for each connection made to the server

def Connect2Server():

    #Create a socket instance - A datagram socket

    UDPClientSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)


    # Send message to server using created UDP socket

    UDPClientSocket.sendto(bytesToSend, serverAddressPort)


    #Receive message from the server

    msgFromServer = UDPClientSocket.recvfrom(bufferSize)

    msg = "Message from Server {}".format(msgFromServer[0])





print("Client - Main thread started")  

ThreadList  = []

ThreadCount = 20


# Create as many connections as defined by ThreadCount

for index in range(ThreadCount):

    ThreadInstance = threading.Thread(target=Connect2Server())




# Main thread to wait till all connection threads are complete

for index in range(ThreadCount):





Output - Server:

Recieved one request from

Datagram Recieved from client is:

b'Hello UDP Server'

Thread Name:Thread-1




Recieved one request from

Datagram Recieved from client is:

b'Hello UDP Server'

Thread Name:Thread-20


Output - Client:

Message from Server b'Message from Server! Hello Client'




Message from Server b'Message from Server! Hello Client'

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