Empty() method of scheduler class from the sched module in Python

Method Name:


Method Signature:


Return Value:

Returns False if the scheduler has one or more events to execute.

Returns True, if the internal queue of the scheduler is empty.



The empty() method checks whether the internal queue of a scheduler instance is empty or not and it returns True if the queue is empty. Returns False otherwise.



# Example Python program to check whether the internal queue of the scheduler is empty

import sched

import time


# The function that defines the task

def taskFunction(eventid):

    print("Executing event with event id:%d"%eventid);


taskScheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep);


# Add tasks to the scheduler

t1 = taskScheduler.enter(10, 1, taskFunction, (1,));

t2 = taskScheduler.enter(5, 1, taskFunction, (2,));


# Check whether the scheduler's queue is empty

isEmpty = taskScheduler.empty();

print("Scheduler has one or more tasks to execute:%s"%(not isEmpty));




# Check whether the scheduler's queue is empty

isEmpty = taskScheduler.empty();

print("Scheduler has one or more tasks to execute:%s"%(not isEmpty));



Scheduler has one or more tasks to execute:True

Executing event with event id:2

Executing event with event id:1

Scheduler has one or more tasks to execute:False

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