Run() method of scheduler class in Python sched module

Method Name:


Method Signature:



Blocking – Boolean parameter that specifies whether the program should wait till all the events scheduled are executed.

Return Value:

The method returns None in blocking mode. It returns the remaining time at which the next event comes up for execution.


  • The run() method executes the events scheduled with a scheduler instance as per their scheduled time.
  • The run() method operates in two modes:
    • Blocking mode
    • Non-blocking mode
  • In blocking mode, the main program exits after all the events scheduled with a scheduler instance are executed.
  • In non-blocking mode, the next event whose execution time is the soonest is executed and the program exits. The other events are not executed. When the next event is slated for execution is returned by the run()method.


Example – Scheduler running in blocking mode:

# Example python program that runs a Python event scheduler

# in blocking mode

import sched

import time


# The function that defines an event

def evtfunction(descr):



# Create the scheduler instance

eventScheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep);


# Add events to the scheduler for execution

eventScheduler.enter(5, 1, evtfunction, ("Event id : 1",));

eventScheduler.enter(10, 1, evtfunction, ("Event id : 2",));


# Run the scheduler in blocking mode;



Event id : 1

Event id : 2


Example – Scheduler running in non-blocking mode:

# Example Python program that uses

# method in non-blocking mode

import sched

import time


# The action that constitutes the event

def action(msg):

    print("Executing event:%s"%msg);


# Create a scheduler

scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep);


# Add events to the scheduler's queue

scheduler.enter(0, 1, action, ("E1",));

scheduler.enter(2, 1, action, ("E2",));

scheduler.enter(2, 2, action, ("E3",));


nextEventTime =;

print("The next event is supposed to come in next %f seconds"%nextEventTime);

print("Program exiting after non-blocking execution of run");



Executing event:E1

The next event is supposed to come in next 1.999924 seconds

Program exiting after non-blocking execution of run

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