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The abs() built-in function of Python

Function signature:



num - An integer, a floating-point number or a complex number.

Return value:

The absolute value of the given number.


  • The Python built-in function abs() returns the absolute value of a given number.
  • For any integer i, real number r, the absolute value is the magnitude of the number without the associated sign part.
  • For any complex number z = x + jy, the absoulte value is given by the square root of x**2 + y**2.
    • x - The real part of the complex number.
    • y - The imaginary part of the complex number.

Example 1 - Absolute value of integers and real numbers:

# Example Python program that finds the absolute
# value for a given integer and a floating-point
# number using the built-in function abs()

# Absolute value of a negative integer

negativeInt = -7
absValue    = abs(-negativeInt)
print("Absolute value of negtive integer {}:{}".format(negativeInt, absValue))

# Absolute value of a negative floating point number
negativeReal = -7.5
absValue    = abs(-negativeReal)
print("Absolute value of negative real number {}:{}".format(negativeReal, absValue))


Absolute value of negtive integer -7:7

Absolute value of negative real number -7.5:7.5

Example 2 - Absolute value of complex numbers: 

# Example Python program that finds the absolute value of
# complex numbers using the built-in function abs()

# Create a complex number
realPart = -7.0
imgPart  = 2.0
complexNum = complex(realPart, imgPart)
absValue    = abs(-complexNum)

print("Absolute value of the complex number {}:{}".format(complexNum, absValue))

# Create another complex number whose imaginary part is zero
realPart = 2.0
imgPart  = 0.0
complexNum = complex(realPart, imgPart)
absValue    = abs(-complexNum)
print("Absolute value of the complex number {}:{}".format(complexNum, absValue))


Absolute value of the complex number (-7+2j):7.280109889280518

Absolute value of the complex number (2+0j):2.0


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