Method Name:
Method Signature:
Return Value:
Not Applicable
Method Overview:
- When invoked kill() uses SIGKILL and terminates the process.
- When SIGKILL is used, the process does not know it has been issued a SIGKILL. The process cannot do any cleanup. The process is killed immediately.Remember, though miniscule it takes a finite time to kill the process.
import multiprocessing as multiproc import time
def processFunction(mq): for i in range(1, 10, 2): msg = "Child:Message" mq.put(msg) print(msg) time.sleep(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": multiproc.set_start_method('fork') mq = multiproc.Queue() childProcess = multiproc.Process(target=processFunction, args=(mq,)) childProcess.start() childProcess.kill() # It takes a while to completely terminate the process using SIGKILL print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive()); print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive()); print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive()); print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive()); print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive()); print("Child process is alive: %s "%childProcess.is_alive());
while mq.empty() is False: print(mq.get()) # Bad practice
Child process is alive: True Child process is alive: False Child process is alive: False Child process is alive: False Child process is alive: False Child process is alive: False |