Method Name:
Method Signature:
Return Value:
Method Overview:
- The contents of the run() method constitute what is to be executed as a process.
- run() method can be used in any of the following two ways:
- The run method of the multiprocessing.context.Process calls the callable object passed through the target parameter of the multiprocessing.context.Process constructor.
- Inheriting the multiprocessing.context.Process class and overriding the run() method, makes the derived class instance to be started as a process. Inside the overridden run() method, the __init__() method of the parent class context.Process has to be called first.
Not Applicable
Example 1 – Through the target parameter of the Process constructor:
import multiprocessing as multiproc
def pf(mq): mq.put("Message added by child process");
if __name__ == '__main__': multiproc.set_start_method('fork') mq = multiproc.Queue()
cp = multiproc.Process(target = pf, args=(mq,),name="MultiProc Example1") cp.start() cp.join()
print(mq.get()) |
Message added by child process |
Example 2 – By inheriting from the Process class:
import multiprocessing as multiproc
class SimpleProc(multiproc.context.Process): def __init__(self, mq): multiproc.context.Process.__init__(self) = mq
def run(self): mq.put("Message added by child process");
if __name__ == '__main__': multiproc.set_start_method('fork') mq = multiproc.Queue()
cp = SimpleProc(mq) cp.start() cp.join()
Message added by child process |