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Transforming ndarray objects

Transform the ndarray based on minimum and maximum values: 


  • The clip() method of ndarray transforms an ndarray object in such a way that the values are in between the maximum and minimum values inclusive of the values specified.


  • At least one of the parameters - min or max should be passed to the clip() method for it to work without any error.


  • If there are any values below the minimum value they will be replaced by the value as specified the min parameter.


  • If there are any values above the maximum value they will be replaced by the value as specified the max parameter.


Example – numpy.ndarray.clip:

import numpy as np


# Create a 2 dimensional array

array_2D = np.array([[9,8,6],





# Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 10

clippedArray = array_2D.clip(5, 10)


print("Original Array:")



print("Clipped Array:")




Original Array:

[[ 9  8  6]

 [ 5  4  1]

 [11 42 10]]

Clipped Array:

[[ 9  8  6]

 [ 5  5  5]

 [10 10 10]]


Transform the n-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array: 


  • The flatten() method of numpy.ndarray transforms any n-dimensional array represented by the ndarray into a one dimensional array.


  • The transformation from n-dimensions to one dimension is done as specified by the parameter order.


  • The order parameter of flatten() method specifies whether the transformation is based on column major i.e, Fortran Style - denoted by literal 'F' or row major i.e, C Style -  denoted by literal 'F'.


  • The default order is based on row major.


  • ravel() method can also be used to transform an n-dimensional array into a one dimensional array. Please note that ravel() may not always return a copy that represents the one-dimensional array.



import numpy as np


# Create a 2-dimensional array

array_2d = np.array([[5, 10, 15, 20],

                    [25, 30, 35, 40]])


print("Original Array")



# Make a one dimensional array - default is row major

rowMajor = array_2d.flatten()

print("Flattened 2-dimensional array as 1-dimensional array - transformed using row major:")



# Make a one dimensional array - column major

colMajor = array_2d.flatten('F')

print("Flattened 2-dimensional array as 1-dimensional array - transformed using column major:")




Original Array

[[ 5 10 15 20]

 [25 30 35 40]]

Flattened 2-dimensional array as 1-dimensional array - transformed using row major

[ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40]

Flattened 2-dimensional array as 1-dimensional array - transformed using column major

[ 5 25 10 30 15 35 20 40]


Change the shape of an array:

  • The reshape() method of ndarray takes a parameter shape as an int or a tuple of ints and transforms the shape of an n-dimensional array.
  • The returned object may not be a copy and could be a view of the original array.


import numpy as np


# Create a 2-dimensional array

array_3d = np.array([[[5, 10, 15, 20],

                     [25, 30, 35, 40]],


                    [[45, 50, 65, 70],

                     [75, 80, 85, 90]]])


print("Original Array:")



print("Dimensions of the original Array:")



print("Shape of the original Array:")



reshaped1 = array_3d.reshape((2,2,2,2))

print("4d array - Reshaped using row major:")



reshaped2 = array_3d.reshape((2,2,2,2), order='F')

print("4d array - Reshaped using column major:")



reshaped3 = array_3d.reshape((2,8))

print("2d array - Reshaped using row major:")



print("2d array - Reshaped using column major:")

reshaped4 = array_3d.reshape((2,8), order='F')



reshaped5 = array_3d.reshape((16))

print("1d array - Reshaped using row major:")



print("1d array - Reshaped using column major:")

reshaped6 = array_3d.reshape((16), order='F')




Original Array:

[[[ 5 10 15 20]

  [25 30 35 40]]


 [[45 50 65 70]

  [75 80 85 90]]]

Dimensions of the original Array:


Shape of the original Array:

(2, 2, 4)

4d array - Reshaped using row major:

[[[[ 5 10]

   [15 20]]


  [[25 30]

   [35 40]]]



 [[[45 50]

   [65 70]]


  [[75 80]

   [85 90]]]]

4d array - Reshaped using column major:

[[[[ 5 15]

   [10 20]]


  [[25 35]

   [30 40]]]



 [[[45 65]

   [50 70]]


  [[75 85]

   [80 90]]]]

2d array - Reshaped using row major:

[[ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40]

 [45 50 65 70 75 80 85 90]]

2d array - Reshaped using column major:

[[ 5 25 10 30 15 35 20 40]

 [45 75 50 80 65 85 70 90]]

1d array - Reshaped using row major:

[ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 70 75 80 85 90]

1d array - Reshaped using column major:

[ 5 45 25 75 10 50 30 80 15 65 35 85 20 70 40 90]

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