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Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of values NumPy ndarray elements with example


  • The mean() function of numpy.ndarray calculates and returns the mean value along a given axis.
  • The mean value is calculated based on the axis specified.
  • If no axis is specified, all the values of the n-dimensional array is considered while calculating the mean value.
  • For details of axis of n-dimensional arrays refer to the cumsum() and cumprod() section.
  • The numpy.ndarray also provides methods var(), std() methods that calculates the variance and standard deviation along any given axis of a ndarray object.


import numpy as np


# Create a 3 dimensional ndarray

nd_array = np.array([[[5,5,5,5],












print("Input Array:")



print("Shape of the array:")



print("Dimensions of the array:")



print("Mean of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:")



print("Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 0:")



print("Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 1:")



print("Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 2:")



print("Variance of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:")



print("Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 0:")



print("Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 1:")



print("Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 2:")



print("Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:")



print("Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 0:")



print("Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 1:")



print("Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 2:")



Input Array:

[[[ 5  5  5  5]

  [ 6  6  6  6]

  [ 7  7  7  7]]


 [[ 8  8  8  8]

  [ 9  9  9  9]

  [ 9  9  9  9]]


 [[10 10 10 10]

  [11 11 11 11]

  [12 12 12 12]]]

Shape of the array:

(3, 3, 4)

Dimensions of the array:


Mean of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:


Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 0:

[[ 7.66666667  7.66666667  7.66666667  7.66666667]

 [ 8.66666667  8.66666667  8.66666667  8.66666667]

 [ 9.33333333  9.33333333  9.33333333  9.33333333]]

Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 1:

[[  6.           6.           6.           6.        ]

 [  8.66666667   8.66666667   8.66666667   8.66666667]

 [ 11.          11.          11.          11.        ]]

Mean of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 2:

[[  5.   6.   7.]

 [  8.   9.   9.]

 [ 10.  11.  12.]]

Variance of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:


Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 0:

[[ 4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222]

 [ 4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222]

 [ 4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222  4.22222222]]

Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 1:

[[ 0.66666667  0.66666667  0.66666667  0.66666667]

 [ 0.22222222  0.22222222  0.22222222  0.22222222]

 [ 0.66666667  0.66666667  0.66666667  0.66666667]]

Variance of a numpy.ndarray object  - Along axis 2:

[[ 0.  0.  0.]

 [ 0.  0.  0.]

 [ 0.  0.  0.]]

Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - No axis specified:


Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 0:

[[ 2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467]

 [ 2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467]

 [ 2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467  2.05480467]]

Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 1:

[[ 0.81649658  0.81649658  0.81649658  0.81649658]

 [ 0.47140452  0.47140452  0.47140452  0.47140452]

 [ 0.81649658  0.81649658  0.81649658  0.81649658]]

Standard deviation of a numpy.ndarray object - Along axis 2:

[[ 0.  0.  0.]

 [ 0.  0.  0.]

 [ 0.  0.  0.]]

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