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Combining two pandas series


  • By calling the Series.combine() function, the values from two series instances can be combined to make a new Series.
  • The Series.combine() functions takes a function as a parameter. This function should be of the form that takes two values as input and returns one value.
  • The NaN/None values can be given default values using the fill-value parameter.


Example – Combine two series instances by selecting minimum value from the two:

# Example Python program to combine two pandas Series instances

import pandas as pds


# Create series objects

series1         = pds.Series([10, 12, 14, 16, 18]);

series2         = pds.Series([11, 13, 15, 17, 19]);


# Combine values from two pandas.series to make a new series

combinedSeries  = series1.combine(series2, min);


print("Contents of series1:");



print("Contents of series2:");



print("New series obtained by combining two series instances:");




Contents of series1:

0    10

1    12

2    14

3    16

4    18

dtype: int64

Contents of series2:

0    11

1    13

2    15

3    17

4    19

dtype: int64

New series obtained by combining two series instances:

0    10

1    12

2    14

3    16

4    18

dtype: int64


Example-Combine two series instances with filling NaN/None with default values:

# Example Python program to combine two pandas Series instances

# while replacing NaN/None with default values

import pandas as pds


# Create two pandas Series instances

series1 = pds.Series([55.1, 55.0, 57, 59]);

series2 = pds.Series([53.1, None, 56, 58, -1]);


# Combine values from two series instances by replacing Nan,None with zeros

newSeries = series1.combine(series2, max, fill_value=0);


print("Contents of the first Series:");



print("Contents of the second Series:");



print("Contents of the combined Series:");




Contents of the first Series:

0    55.1

1    55.0

2    57.0

3    59.0

dtype: float64

Contents of the second Series:

0    53.1

1     NaN

2    56.0

3    58.0

4    -1.0

dtype: float64

Contents of the combined Series:

0    55.1

1    55.0

2    57.0

3    59.0

4     0.0

dtype: float64


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