Method Name:
Method Signature:
Return Value:
- A python string specifying the compression method used.
- If no compression is used the method returns None.
- The method compression() returns the compression method used in the secure communication if any.
import socket import ssl import platform
# Context ctx = ssl.SSLContext(); ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED;
# Check for OS X platform if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': import certifi import os
# Load CA certificates used for validating the peer's certificate ctx.load_verify_locations( cafile=os.path.relpath(certifi.where()), capath=None, cadata=None);
# Connect to the server through an instance of an SSLSocket class skt = socket.socket(); sec_skt = ctx.wrap_socket(skt);
# Make a connection to the server sec_skt.connect(("", 443)); comp = sec_skt.compression(); print("Compression used:"); print(comp); |
Compression used: None |