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Pickle.dump() method in Python

Method Name:



Method Signature:

pickle.dump(pythonObject, pickleDestination, pickle_protocol=None, *, fix_imports=True)



pythonObject – The Python Object to be pickled

pickleDestination – File or buffer to which the pickled object will be written

pickle_protocol – One of the constants as defined by the pickle module specifying the pickle protocol version; When None is specified it refers to the default protocol used for the Python version.

fix_imports – When specified, in accordance with the value for the parameter pickle_protocol, the method dump() will decide whether the pickling process should be compatible with Python version 2 or not. The default value is True. This default parameter should be used as a name value pair only.

Return Value:

Returns the reconstructed Python object from the pickle source. The pickle source could be a file or a memory buffer.


  • The dump() method of the pickle module in Python, converts a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream. This process is also called as serilaization.
  • The converted byte stream can be written to a buffer or to a disk file.
  • The byte stream of a pickled Python object can converted back to a Python object using the pickle.load() method.


import pickle

import io


class Book:

    title       = ""

    isbn        = ""

    parts       = None

    chapters    = None


    def __init__(self, title, isbn, parts, chapters):

        self.title      = title

        self.isbn       = isbn      = parts

        self.chapters   = chapters


    def identify(self):

        print("Title of the book: %s"%(self.title))

        print("ISBN of the book: %s"%(self.isbn))

        print("Parts are:")

        for part in


        print("Chapters are:%s"%(self.chapters))


class Part:

    partName     = ""

    beginChapter = -1

    endChapter   = -1


    def __init__(self, partName, beginChapter, endChapter):

        self.partName     = partName

        self.beginChapter = beginChapter

        self.endChapter   = endChapter


    def __str__(self):

        stringRep =  "%s"%(self.partName)       

        return stringRep


part1 = Part("Part 1", 1, 3)

part2 = Part("Part 2", 4, 5)       

part3 = Part("Part 3", 6, 7)


bookTitle       = "Book yet to be written";

bookISBN        = "XXX-X-XX-XXXXXX-X";

bookParts       = [part1, part2, part3]

bookChapters    = ["Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3",

                   "Chapter 4", "Chapter 5", "Chapter 6",

                   "Chapter 7"];


book = Book(bookTitle, bookISBN, bookParts, bookChapters)


pickleBuffer = io.BytesIO()

print("Pickling of the object into the memory buffer started")


print("Pickling of the object into the memory buffer ended")

print("Pickled buffer beginning address:")




print("Unpickling of the object from memory started")

unpickledBook = pickle.loads(pickleBuffer.getbuffer())

print("Unpickling of the object from memory ended")

print("Printing the attributes of unpickled object")




Pickling of the object into the memory buffer started

Pickling of the object into the memory buffer ended

Pickled buffer beginning address:

<memory at 0x107d09e88>

Unpickling of the object from memory started

Unpickling of the object from memory ended

Printing the attributes of unpickled object

Title of the book: Book yet to be written

ISBN of the book: XXX-X-XX-XXXXXX-X

Parts are:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Chapters are:['Chapter 1', 'Chapter 2', 'Chapter 3', 'Chapter 4', 'Chapter 5', 'Chapter 6', 'Chapter 7']


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