Pickle.load() Method In Python


  • The load() method of Python pickle module reads the pickled byte stream of one or more python objects from a file object. When multiple objects are expected from the byte stream, the load() method should be called multiple times.
  • A File object in this context means an instance of a class with implementation for the following methods:
  1. read(number)
  2. readline()
  • Both the methods should return bytes object.
  • Conforming to the above interface makes sure that the pickled binary streams may not be loaded from file sources only. They can also be loaded from any buffer sources like BytesIO or any other custom classes.

Example 1: De-serializing pickled objects using pickle.load method

# import required python modules

import pickle

import uuid


# Trivial definition of a car

class Car:

    manufacturer    = ""

    modelName       = ""


    def __init__(self, manufacturer, modelName):

        self.manufacturer    = manufacturer

        self.modelName       = modelName


    def identify(self):

        print("Manufacturer: %s"%(self.manufacturer))

        print("Model Name: %s"%(self.modelName))


# Trivial definition of a ServiceRecord

class ServiceRecord:

    id              = -1

    milesReading    = -1

    serviceCount    = -1


    def __init__(self, id, milesReading, serviceCount):

        self.id              = uuid.uuid4()

        self.milesReading    = milesReading

        self.serviceCount    = serviceCount


    def identify(self):

        print("Service Id: %s"%(self.id))

        print("Miles: %s"%(self.milesReading))

        print("Service Count: %s"%(self.serviceCount))


# Get car and service instances   

print("Creating objects")


car = Car("Toyota",  "Corolla")

s1  = ServiceRecord(1, 5000, 1)

s2  = ServiceRecord(2, 15000, 2)


# Print object information





# Create a file for storing objects 

objectRep = open("ServiceInfo.picl", "wb")



# Pickle the objects

pickle.dump(car, objectRep, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

pickle.dump(s1,  objectRep, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

pickle.dump(s2,  objectRep, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)


# Close the file


print("Pickling complete")



# Open the file in read mode

objectRep = open("ServiceInfo.picl", "rb")



# Unpickle the objects

object1 = pickle.load(objectRep)



object2 = pickle.load(objectRep)



object3 = pickle.load(objectRep)


print("Unpickling complete")






Creating objects

Manufacturer: Toyota

Model Name: Corolla

Service Id: b6c83c8e-4dd1-4d26-8d46-6e3ac002fa14

Miles: 5000

Service Count: 1

Service Id: 1c5a43b7-4c37-4402-a07c-006d0a133c71

Miles: 15000

Service Count: 2


Pickling complete



Manufacturer: Toyota

Model Name: Corolla

Service Id: b6c83c8e-4dd1-4d26-8d46-6e3ac002fa14

Miles: 5000

Service Count: 1

Service Id: 1c5a43b7-4c37-4402-a07c-006d0a133c71

Miles: 15000

Service Count: 2

Unpickling complete

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