Index() method of str class

Method Name:



Method Signature:

index(sub[, start[, end]])


Method Overview:

  • The index method returns the lowest index at which a substring is found.


  • Start and End indexes can be specified for searching the substring.


  • Behavior of the index() method is same as find() but index() raises an exception of type ValueError when the substring is not found in the string.



quote   = "All grown-ups were once children"

substr  = "children"

pos     = quote.index(substr)


print("The substring '{}' was found at position:{}".format(substr,pos))


quote       = "The Earth is not just an ordinary planet"

substr      = "Earth"

startPos    = 3

endPos      = len(quote)


# search the substring with the start and stop positions specified

pos     = quote.index(substr, startPos, endPos)


print("The substring '{}' was found at position:{}".format(substr,pos))



The substring 'children' was found at position:24

The substring 'Earth' was found at position:4


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