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The mkdir() function of os module in Python


os.mkdir(path, mode=0o777, *, dir_fd=None)


  • The function os.mkdir() creates a directory at the specified path in the filesystem.

  • Unlike the os.makedirs() function, the os.mkdir() creates only the leaf directory specified in a given path. The os.makedirs() creates all the directories specified in a path recursively.

  • When the leaf directory already exists in the filesystem the function mkdir() raises a FileExistsError.

  • The examples create directory using both absolute and relative paths and print the directory information using the os.stat() function.


path - The path of the directory to be created.

mode - Optional parameter specifying user, group and other permissions. Default value is 0o777.

dir_fd - Descriptor denoting the relative path of the directory to be created. Default value is None.

Return Value:



FileNotFoundError - When the parent directory does not exist FileFileNotFoundError is raised.

FileExistsError - When the directory with the same name as the new directory to be created

exists a FileExistsError is raised.

Example 1 -  Create a directory using absolute path:

# Example Python program to create a
# directory in a given path using the function
# os.mkdir
import os

path            =   "/Ex/Notes"
permissions     = 0o755

    # Create the directory
    os.mkdir(path, mode = permissions)
except FileExistsError as err:
print("Directory information for %s:"%path)

# Print information about the directory
# In case of a FileExistsError the stat is
# for the already existing directory
dirInfo = os.stat(path)


Directory information for /Ex/Notes:
os.stat_result(st_mode=16877, st_ino=8600031, st_dev=16777220, st_nlink=2, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=64, st_atime=1684227964, st_mtime=1684227964, st_ctime=1684227964)

Example 2 - Create a directory using relative path and its directory descriptor:

# Example Python program that creates a
# directory relative to the one specified
# by a directory descriptor(i.e.,File descriptor
# of the directory)
import os

dirPath         = "/PythonProgs"
dirName         = "Fonts"
permissions     = 0o755

# Get the directory descriptor of the path
dirFd =, os.O_APPEND, 0o755)

    # Create the directory relative to the one
    # specified by the directory descriptor
    os.mkdir(dirName, mode = permissions, dir_fd = dirFd)
except FileExistsError as err:
print("Directory info for %s:"%(dirPath + "/" + dirName))

# Print info about the directory
dirInfo = os.stat(dirPath + "/" + dirName)


Directory info for /PythonProgs/Fonts:
os.stat_result(st_mode=16877, st_ino=8683605, st_dev=16777220, st_nlink=2, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=64, st_atime=1684315151, st_mtime=1684315151, st_ctime=1684315151)


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