Method Signature/Syntax:
recv(bufsize[, flags])
bufsize - No of bytes to receive.
flags - Supports values as specified the operating system. Multiple flags can be combined by doing a bitwise OR.
Return Value:
Returns the received data as bytes object.
- Unlike send(), the recv() function of Python's socket module can be used to receive data from both TCP and UDP sockets.
- The example client and server programs given here for UDP, use recv() at both client and the server sides.
Example – UDP Server:
# ----- Example UDP based server program in Python that uses recv() function -----
import socket
# Define IP address and port number ipAddress = ""; portNumber = 3131;
# Create a UDP socket udpSvr = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM);
# Bind the UDP socket to the IP address and the port number udpSvr.bind((ipAddress, portNumber))
# Receive datagrams from clients forever bufferSize = 1024;
# Receive incoming datagrams while(True): udpClientData = udpSvr.recvfrom(bufferSize);
# Datagram from client datagramFromClient = udpClientData[0];
# Datagram from server datagramSourceAddress = udpClientData[1] ;
print(udpClientData); udpSvr.sendto("Datagram from Server".encode(), datagramSourceAddress); |
(b'Datagram from Client', ('', 50559)) (b'Datagram from Client', ('', 57225)) |
Example – UDP Client:
# ----- Example UDP client program in Python that uses recv() function ----- import socket
msg = "Datagram from client"; ipAndPort = ("", 3131); udpClient = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM);
# Send a datagram to the UDP server udpClient.sendto(msg.encode(), ipAndPort);
# Receive a reply from UDP server datagramFromServer = udpClient.recv(1024);
# Print the received datagram from server print(datagramFromServer.decode()); |
Datagram from Server |