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Sendto() function of python socket class

Method Signature/Syntax:

sendto(bytes, flags, address)


bytes - The data to be sent in bytes format. If the data is in string format, str.encode() method can be used to convert the strings to bytes.

flags - As supported by the operating system, multiple values can be combined using bitwise OR. This optional parameter has a default value of 0.

addressA tuple consisting of IP address and port number.


Return Value:

Returns the number of bytes sent.



  • The method sendto() of the Python's socket class, is used to send datagrams to a UDP socket.
  • The communication could be from either side. It could be from client to server or from the server to client.
  • For sendto() to be used, the socket should not be in already connected state.


Example – UDP server that uses sendto() function:

# ----- An UDP server in Python that receives temperature values from clients-----

import socket

import datetime


# Define the IP address and the Port Number

ip      = "";

port    = 7070;

listeningAddress = (ip, port);


# Create a datagram based server socket that uses IPv4 addressing scheme

datagramSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM);




    tempVal, sourceAddress = datagramSocket.recvfrom(128);

    print("Temperature at %s is %s"%(sourceAddress, tempVal.decode()));

    response = "Received at: %s";

    datagramSocket.sendto(response.encode(), sourceAddress);



Temperature at ('', 64164) is 61.65

Temperature at ('', 56309) is 61.66


Example – UDP client that uses sendto() function:

# ----- An UDP client in Python that sends temperature values to server-----

import socket

import random


# Get temperature

def getTemp():

    temp = random.uniform(60.0, 62.0);

    return temp;


# A tuple with server ip and port

serverAddress = ("", 7070);


# Create a datagram socket

tempSensorSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM);


# Get temperature

temperature = getTemp();

tempString  = "%.2f"%temperature;


# Socket is not in connected state yet...sendto() can be used

# Send temperature to the server

tempSensorSocket.sendto(tempString.encode(), ("",7070));


# Read UDP server's response datagram

response = tempSensorSocket.recv(1024);




b'Received at: 2019-06-28 23:12:49.262979'


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