Pickling And Unpickling Of Pandas DataFrame, Series Objects


  • In Python, pickling is the process of serialising an object into a disk file or buffer.
  • Unpickling recreates an object from a file, network or a buffer and introduces it to the namespace of a Python program.
  • Any Python object can be pickled and unpickled through the dump(), load() mechanisms of the Python's pickle module.
  • The pandas DataFrame class provides the method to_pickle() to easily deal with the process of pickling. Unpickling is enabled through the read_pickle() method of the pandas module.

Example - Pickle a pandas DataFrame object:

# Example Python program that pickles a pandas
# DataFrame object into a disk file 
import pandas as pds

# Data
columnLabels = ["City", "Latitude", "Longitude"];
locData      = [("New York", 40.71, -74.00),
                ("Los Angeles", 34.05, -118.24),
                ("London", 51.50, -0.12),
                ("Paris", 48.85,  2.35),
                ("Dubai", 25.26,  55.29),
                ("Hong Kong", 22.35, 114.18),
                ("Seoul", 37.56, 126.97),
                ("Tokyo", 35.68, 139.75)];

# Create a pandas DataFrame
df = pds.DataFrame(data=locData, columns=columnLabels);

# Pickle the DataFrame into a diskfile

Output of vi locdata.pkl:

<80>^E<95>=^D^@^@^@^@^@^@<8c>^Qpandas.core.frame<94><8c>        DataFrame<94><93><94>)<81><94>}<94>(<8c>^D_mgr<94><8c>^^pandas.core.internals.managers<94><8c>^LBlockManager<94><93><94>)<81><94>(]<94>(<8c>^Xpandas.core.indexes.base<94><8c>

_new_Index<94><93><94>h^K<8c>^EIndex<94><93><94>}<94>(<8c>^Ddata<94><8c>^Unumpy.core.multiarray<94><8c>^L_reconstruct<94><93><94><8c>^Enumpy<94><8c>^Gndarray<94><93><94>K^@<85><94>C^Ab<94><87><94>R<94>(K^AK^C<85><94>h^U<8c>^Edtype<94><93><94><8c>^BO8<94><89><88><87><94>R<94>(K^C<8c>^A|<94>NNNJÿÿÿÿJÿÿÿÿK?t<94>b<89>]<94>(<8c>^DCity<94><8c>^HLatitude<94><8c>   Longitude<94>et<94>b<8c>^Dname<94>Nu<86><94>R<94>h^M<8c>^Ypandas.core.indexes.range<94><8c>


×A@^@^@^@^@^@<80>RÀ<8f>Âõ(\<8f>]À¸^^<85>ëQ¸¾¿ÍÌÌÌÌÌ^B@<85>ëQ¸^^¥K@ìQ¸^^<85><8b>\@®Gáz^T¾_@^@^@^@^@^@xa@<94>h^^<8c>^Bf8<94><89><88><87><94>R<94>(K^C<8c>^A<<94>NNNJÿÿÿÿJÿÿÿÿK^@t<94>bK^BK^H<86><94><8c>^AC<94>t<94>R<94>h^Th^WK^@<85><94>h^Y<87><94>R<94>(K^AK^AK^H<86><94>h!<89>]<94>(<8c>^HNew York<94><8c>^KLos Angeles<94><8c>^FLondon<94><8c>^EParis<94><8c>^EDubai<94><8c> Hong Kong<94><8c>^ESeoul<94><8c>^ETokyo<94>et<94>be]<94>(h^Mh^O}<94>(h^Qh^Th^WK^@<85><94>h^Y<87><94>R<94>(K^AK^B<85><94>h!<89>]<94>(h&h'et<94>bh)Nu<86><94>R<94>h^Mh^O}<94>(h^Qh^Th^WK^@<85><94>h^Y<87><94>R<94>(K^AK^A<85><94>h!<89>]<94>h%at<94>bh)Nu<86><94>R<94>e}<94><8c>^F0.14.1<94>}<94>(<8c>^Daxes<94>h


Example - Unpickle a pandas DataFrame object:

# Example Python program that pickles a pandas
# DataFrame object into a disk file 
import pandas as pds

# Storage path of a pickled object
picklePath = "/examples/locdata.pkl";

# Read the pickle and make a pandas object...here it is a DataFrame
df = pds.read_pickle(picklePath);

# Print the contents of the unpickled DataFrame


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

          City  Latitude  Longitude

0     New York     40.71     -74.00

1  Los Angeles     34.05    -118.24

2       London     51.50      -0.12

3        Paris     48.85       2.35

4        Dubai     25.26      55.29

5    Hong Kong     22.35     114.18

6        Seoul     37.56     126.97

7        Tokyo     35.68     139.75

Example - Pickle a pandas Series object:

# Example Python program that pickles a 
# pandas Series instance 
import pandas as pds

# A list of measurements converted into a pandas Series  
measurements    = [60, 61.5, 62, 61.6, 62.5, 62.5, 62.2];
series          = pds.Series(data=measurements);

# Pickle the Series

seriesPicklePath = "/examples/msmts.pkl";

# Print the contents of the pickle file
pickleBinary = '';
with open(seriesPicklePath, mode='rb') as pickleFile:
    pickleBinary = pickleFile.read();




Example - Unpickle a pandas Series object: 

# Example Python program that unpickles
# a pandas Series object
import pandas as pds

# Pickled object storage path
pickleStoragePath   = "/valli/pythonprogs/msmts.pkl";

# Unpickle a pickled pandas Series object
unpickled           = pds.read_pickle(pickleStoragePath);

# Print the unpickled series 


<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

0    60.0

1    61.5

2    62.0

3    61.6

4    62.5

5    62.5

6    62.2

dtype: float64


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