Gcd Function - Python Math Module


  • Returns the greatest common divisor of a set of integers.
  • The greatest common divisor (GCD) of a set of integers is the largest integer that divides each of them without a remainder.


import math


# Find the GCD of 12, 44

number1 = 12

number2 = 44

GCD = math.gcd(number1,number2)

print("GCD of {} and {} is:{}".format(number1, number2, GCD))


# Find the GCD of 22, 121

number1 = 22

number2 = 121

GCD = math.gcd(number1,number2)

print("GCD of {} and {} is:{}".format(number1, number2, GCD))


GCD of 12 and 44 is:4

GCD of 22 and 121 is:11

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