The perm function of math module in Python

Method Name:


Method Signature:

perm(n, k=None)


n – Number of items

k – Number of items to be chosen.

Return value:

Returns the number of ways to select ‘k’ items from number of items ‘n’, with order and without repetition.


  • Like the comb() function perm() is a combinatoric function.
  • The perm() function of Python math module returns the number of ways to select ‘k’ items from number of items ‘n’, with order and without repetition.
  • The computation is given by: n! / (n - k)!, where k <= n; returns zero when 'k' is greater than 'n'.
  • When ‘k’ is None or when ‘k’ is equal to ‘n’, the function returns n! .


# Example python program to compute permutations -  Number of ways to choose k items from n # items

import math


totalItems      = 52; # n

itemsToChoose   = 5;  # k


# Number of ways to choose k items from n items (without repetition and with order)

permutations    = math.perm(totalItems, itemsToChoose);


print("Number of ways to choose %d items(k) from %d items(n)(without repetition & with order):"%(totalItems, itemsToChoose));




Number of ways to choose 52 items(k) from 5 items(n)(without repetition & with order):


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