Radians Function - Python Math Module

Method name:


Method overview:

Converts the angular value specified in degrees into radians. One radian is about 57.3°.


aDegrees_in : The angular value in degrees which is to be converted into radians

Return value:

Angular value in radians that corresponds to specified degrees




import math


AcuteAngle      = round(math.radians(45), 4)  #rounded to 4 digits precision

ObtuseAngle     = round(math.radians(135), 4) #rounded to 4 digits precision


print("Acute angle 45 degrees in radians: {}".format(AcuteAngle))

print("Obtuse angle 135 degrees in radians: {}".format(ObtuseAngle))



Acute angle 45 degrees in radians: 0.7854

Obtuse angle 135 degrees in radians: 2.3562


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