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Log2 function of Python math module


  • The function log2(num), computes the binary logarithm of a given number. The Base-2 logarithm of a given number “n” is the power to which, number 2 must be raised to obtain the number “n”.


# Example Python program that computes
# the base-2 logarithm of a number
# using the function log2(x)

import math

# Compute binary logrithm for 10
num = 10
base2log = math.log2(num)
print("Base-2 logarithm of %d:%d"%(num, base2log))

# Compute binary logrithm for 128
num = 128
base2log = math.log2(num)
print("Base-2 logarithm of %d:%d"%(num, base2log))


Base-2 logarithm of 10:3

Base-2 logarithm of 128:7


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