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Drawing a strip plot using seaborn


  • A scatter plot is employed to find out if there is any relationship between two variables.
  • In a scatter plot, when both the variables are continous the markers find their places all over the plot.
  • On the other hand, if one of the axis of a scatter plot represents a categorical variable(Not a continous variable - a discrete variable, a countable variable), the markers of a specific category align in a straigt line parallel to the other axis.
  • To explicitly convey that the markers for each category are just clouds of values and not really a relation like straight line, a jitter plot is used.
  • A jitter plot in this context, is a scatter plot drawn with a jitter value. The jitter value is between 0 to width of the category/2. 

Example -  Scatter plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pds
import seaborn as sbn

periodVsFansLeft = {"Fans Left":[10, 15, 12, 12, 40, 14, 35, 28, 41, 21, 14, 10],
                       "Period":["BI", "BI", "BI", "BI", "BI", "BI", "AI", "AI", "AI", "AI", "AI", "AI"]};
df = pds.DataFrame(data=periodVsFansLeft);

sbn.scatterplot(x="Period", y="Fans Left", data=df);;


A scatter plot drawn using seaborn

Example: Drawing a strip plot using seaborn:

Making the following code change to the above example - i.e., replacing the scatterplot() function call with a call to stripplot(), draws a stripplot.

sbn.stripplot(x="Period", y="Fans Left", data=df);


A strip plot drawn using seaborn

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