Applying Edge Enhancement Filters Using Pillow


  • Pillow - the Python Image Processing Library, provides several filters that can be applied on an Image Object including the Edge Enhancement Filters.


  • An Edge Enhancement Filter works by increasing the contrast of the pixels around the specific edges, so that the edges are visible prominently after applying the filter.


  • The edge filter can be selected through the Pillow provided constants ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE and ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE.


  • By calling the convert() method on an Image object with ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE or ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE as parameter, one of the edge filters can be applied.


  • The convolution matrices used by pillow for the image filters ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE and ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE which are also called as kernels or masks are provided here:
  • Kernel for ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE:


                -1, -1, -1,

                -1, 10, -1,

                -1, -1, -1



  •         Kernel for ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE:


                -1, -1, -1,

                -1,  9, -1,

                -1, -1, -1



  • Both the kernels used by Pillow for edge enhancement filters are of dimensions 3x3.



# import image module

from PIL import Image

from PIL import ImageFilter


# Open an already existing image

imageObject ="./sand.jpg")


# Apply edge enhancement filter

edgeEnahnced = imageObject.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE)


# Apply increased edge enhancement filter

moreEdgeEnahnced = imageObject.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE)


# Show original image - before applying edge enhancement filters 


# Show image - after applying edge enhancement filter


# Show image - after applying increased edge enhancement filter


Before applying edge enhancement filter to the image - Pillow Example:


After applying edge enhancement filter to the image:

After applying edge enhancement filter to the image - Pillow Example

After applying increased edge enhancement filter to the image:

After applying increased edge enhancement filter to the image - Pillow Example


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