Emboss Filter In Pillow


  • The meaning of Emboss is to make a mould, a 3d- mould that stands out from the surface.


  • When an emboss filter is applied on an image, the resultant image looks like an emboss - a paper or metal emboss of the source Image where the features stand out in high relief (more prominently) or low relief(less prominently).


  • An emboss filter in Pillow, the Python Image Processing library is provided through applying a convolution of specific 3x3 matrix to the Image.


  • The 3x3 kernel used by Pillow for the emboss filter is given here:


              -1, 0, 0,

             0, 1, 0,

             0, 0, 0




from PIL import Image

from PIL import ImageFilter


# Open the Image and create an Image Object

imagePath = "./StatueOfLiberty.jpg"

imageObject = Image.open(imagePath)



# Apply emboss filter on to the image

imageEmboss = imageObject.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)


# Display the embossed image




Before applying emboss filter to the image:
Before applying emboss filter to the image using Pillow

After applying emboss filter to the image:
After applying emboss filter to the image using Pillow

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