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Plotting a broken horizontal bar chart


  • A broken bar chart is used when the data involved varies significantly in the range of their values.


  • For example, 5mm, 45mm, 32mm are rainfall data with huge variation in their range. A broken bar chart will be appropriate to plot such data to encompass and visualize both the smaller and higher ranges of values.


  • The python module matplotlib.broken_barh() plots a broken horizontal bar chart.


  • Different colors can be given for the broken horizontal bars using the facecolors parameter of the broken_barh() function.



import matplotlib.pyplot as plot


# Rainfall data - 2nd day of the month for plotting broken horizontal bar chart

xranges = [(2,5), (40,5),(30,2)]

yrange = (2,1)


# Plot the broken horizontal bars

plot.broken_barh(xranges, yrange, facecolors='blue')


# Rainfall data - 30th day of the month for plotting broken horizontal bar chart

xranges = [(1,2), (25,2),(30,6)]

yrange = (30,1)


# Plot the broken horizontal bars

plot.broken_barh(xranges, yrange, facecolors='red')


# Give the title for the broken horizontal bar chart

plot.title('Broken horizontal bar chart - Rainfall data for the month April')


# Give x axis label for the broken horizontal bar chart

plot.xlabel('Rainfall in mm')


# Give y axis label for for the broken horizontal bar chart









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