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Plotting a sine wave using matplotlib and numpy


  • Sine waves represent periodic oscillations.


  • Sine waves have the shape of sine curve.


  • The X-axis of the sine curve represents the time.


  • The Y-axis of the sine curve represents the amplitude of the sine wave.


  • The amplitude of the sine wave at any point in Y is proportional to the sine of a variable.


  • The sine wave is given by the equation

A sin(ωt)


A                        - Amplitude

t                         - Time

ω (Omega)         - Frequency


  • The sine curve goes through origin.


  • A cycle of sine wave is complete when the position of the sine wave starts from a position and comes to the same position after attaining its maximum and minimum amplitude during its course.


  • The time taken to complete one cycle is called the period of the sine wave.


  • The frequency of the sine wave is given by number of cycles per second.


  • ‘A’ denotes amplitude of a sine wave.


  • The distance covered by a cycle measures the wavelength of the sine wave.


  • The wavelength of the sine wave is denoted by λ.


  • Examples of sine waves include the oscillations produced by the suspended weight on spring and the alternating current.


  • NumPy has the sin() function, which takes an array of values and provides the sine value for them.


  • Using the numpy sin() function and the matplotlib plot()a sine wave can be drawn.



import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plot


# Get x values of the sine wave

time        = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1);


# Amplitude of the sine wave is sine of a variable like time

amplitude   = np.sin(time)


# Plot a sine wave using time and amplitude obtained for the sine wave

plot.plot(time, amplitude)


# Give a title for the sine wave plot

plot.title('Sine wave')


# Give x axis label for the sine wave plot



# Give y axis label for the sine wave plot

plot.ylabel('Amplitude = sin(time)')


plot.grid(True, which='both')


plot.axhline(y=0, color='k')


# Display the sine wave



Sine Wave

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